Josies Transport Group Melbourne & Geelong
Courier Service and Freight Transport
Josies Transport Group has an extensive team of experienced transport and logistic professionals that are focused on delivering outstanding service to all key stakeholders in the supply chain.
With our values underpinning our business, we are committed to deliver an uncompromised customer experience by focusing on what is important to each partner in the delivery chain.
We understand that we don’t win a customer until they ask us back, we understand that our staff must be supported and rewarded in a safe and positive environment and we are acutely aware that the quality of our fleet and drivers are an extension of our business and our customers.
We are determined to deliver the highest quality service at the lowest possible cost with a focus on productivity, efficiency improvements, identifying waste and opportunities for cost outs not just cost downs. Our customer centricity approach reinforces our belief that if you can measure then you can improve and our tailored KPI reporting allows us to concentrate our energies that deliver the most value to the customer experience.
This high level of customer experience can only be achieved by the collective efforts of a team that is dedicated to outstanding customer service. We are acutely aware that the foundation of our customer service offering is supported by the quality of our drivers and we are committed to attracting the safest and most professional drivers in the industry. This can only be achieved by an extensive recruitment process, through training and induction, ongoing support and also by providing a sustainable remuneration where they feel valued and appreciated. This has been overlooked for too long in the transport and logistics industry and this is a non-negotiable for our business.
Finally, we have a strong social awareness and acknowledge the important role we play in our local community. The team at Josies Transport has a responsible attitude towards the social well-being of others in the community and we support several charities, cultural and sporting groups throughout Melbourne and Geelong.
Josies Transport is an Industry Member of various industry organisations, including:
The management and staff at Josies Transport have a responsible attitude towards the social well-being of others in the community by supporting several charities, cultural and sporting groups throughout Geelong including:
Companies that trust Josies Transport
We work with a wide range of clients across many industries, some of which include: