Cubic conversions for courier services

All freight is charged either by dead weight or cubic weight – whichever is greater.

If you need to find out if the cubic weight of your item/s is greater than the dead weight, you can use some simple formulas.

  1. Measure the length (L) width (W) and height (H) in metres (i.e. 65cm = .65m).
  2. Using the industry standard cubic weight conversion factor of 250, multiply the L, W, H by 250 to find the cubic weight.
  3. Use this as a formula: (L x W x H) x 250 = cubic weight.


Your parcel is .5m x .25m x .4m with a dead weight of 5kg.

Find the cubic weight: (.5 x .25 x .4) x 250 = 12.5kg

Therefore you will be charged for the cubic weight of 12.5kg.

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